Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This is Elvis - the best dog in the world.

You'd never know it by looking at this picture, would you?

His medical file has "CAUTION" written in big letters on the front of the folder AND inside as well.  Apparently, Elvis barks, tries to bite, scratch, claw and basically attack anyone that comes near him at the vets office.

And at the groomers.

And in our front yard.

Not only did Elvis need to be muzzled today, but he also had to be held down by three people in order for the vet to examine him.  He weighs 14.7 pounds.

I started feeling like I did when my kids were little and they'd be screaming in a restaurant or freaking out in the grocery store or having a fit in church...in the front row!!  I was sure everyone was watching me and waiting to see how I'd handle my kids' meltdowns.  I would have given my kids anything - a bottle, candy, a Lego, an American Girl doll, a stick of dynamite - anything to shut them up and calm them down..

That's how I was feeling in vet's exam room today.  If only I'd had a Beggin' Strip.